Our Mission: Using displays, images and docent discussions, educate new generations in the once essential but nearly forgotten role the caboose played in railroad operations through the years.
DID YOU KNOW? The freight train caboose was the office on wheels for the train conductor who was in charge of the train. The rear brakeman rode in the caboose cupola where he could watch for problems in or on the cars ahead. Cabooses could be found on the rear of nearly every freight train until they began disappearing in the 1960’s and ’70’s. Instead of a caboose modern freight trains have an electronic monitoring device on the end of the train sometimes known as FRED (flashing rear end device)..
The Colfax caboose serves as a stage for keeping the history and memories alive for cabooses in general and for this particular caboose.
This is a joint effort with PSRHS, Colfax Area Historical Society and City of Colfax. The caboose will be open for visitors and staffed at major events including 3rd of July, Colfax Railroad Days and Winterfest.
Colfax Caboose grand opening July 3, 2017
Follow this link for photos of the caboose renovation process