The Placer-Sierra Railroad Heritage Society (PSRHS) was formed to preserve and protect the history of the Donner Pass Route portion of the Transcontinental Railroad.  Please join us in our efforts and enjoy the website. You can view our MONTHLY NEWSLETTER here.


PSRHS holds monthly meetings with presentations on topics of regional railroad and other topics. Our meetings are open to all who are interested in local railroad history and operations. Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday, 7PM at Auburn Veterans Memorial Hall, 100 East St. Directions to the meeting location can be found under the HAPPENINGS tab. Watch this space for details on future meeting programs.

Next Meeting is March 25, 7pm.

A “Behind the Scenes” Look at Rail Operations at the Norden Interlocking Plant Through the Words and Memories of Those Who Worked There.

Brendan Compton will present a video he recorded of a 2016 panel discussion on rail operations at the Norden interlocking plant on Donner Summit. The panel featured insights from former Southern Pacific officials, including J.W. Lynch, Jimmy Mahon (“The Bear”), and Manager John Valdez. Additional contributors to the discussion included Mike Pechner, Dick Dorn, Mike Graham, Shirley Burman, and Scott Inman. They shared captivating stories about snow service operations, the turntable and the equipment it handled, housing at the site, and the lives of those who lived there. This video offers a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the daily operations of this remarkable location.

Brendan Compton has produced numerous videos of snow fighting and other railroad operations on SP’s Donner Route. His videos provide a personal look inside the cabs and the conversations of the SP crews. The March video program promises to continue that inside look at “behind the scenes” operations.

New To Our Website

Several new railroad history articles or documents have recently been added as links on our Historic Railroad Articles & Documents page. Follow the link to this page or open it under the Local RR History tab to access these newly added reports & documents. More documents will soon be added to this page so check back frequently.

1869 Journal of Lt John Currier — describes conditions on new Union Pacific rails from Omaha to the Promontory ceremony, then on to Sacramento on Central Pacific.

1947-49 Freedom Train Brochure

Better Than A Wagon Train But Still An Adventure


The Colfax webcam installed by PSRHS and Southwest Railcams continues to provide great views of railroad action as trains pass the Colfax yard and passenger depot. You can view the live feed or review the previous 12 hours of recorded footage.

To access the Colfax webcam follow this link.

The Colfax webcam can also be accessed on our website under the Web-Cam tab.

The “Web-Cam Colfax” page also provides access to a video clip of UP Big Boy’s visit to Colfax during its recent Western Cities Tour.

Our formerly live Applegate Webcam is no longer in service and has been removed. However, you can still access still images captured in the past on the Applegate webcam. Look under the Webcams tab.


We offer one or two field trips and other activities during the year for members and guests. Details on upcoming activities or items of interest are announced on this home page. Selected events also appear in NEXT EVENTS under the HAPPENINGS tab. A complete list of past field trips and meeting presentation topics can also be found under the HAPPENINGS tab.


PSRHS philosophy is to share our information and documents with the public. Numerous historical notes, articles and photos are available for viewing and free download under the LOCAL RR HISTORY and the PUBLICATIONS tabs. Feel free to browse these pages and enjoy the content. If you choose to reproduce any of the items viewed on our web site please credit our PSRHS web address as the source.

Recent Additions to the Website

Right of Way and Track Maps for SP’s Lake Tahoe Branch from the PSRHS Collection are now available for viewing. Find their link on the HISTORIC ARTICLES/MAPS/IMAGES page under the LOCAL RR HISTORY tab.

Readers can also access articles of railroad interest featured in our monthly newsletters by following the link to the NOTES ON RR HISTORIC AND CURRENT OPS page under the LOCAL RR HISTORY tab.


PSRHS members have been instrumental in two major restoration projects, the Colfax Passenger Depot and the Colfax Wood-sided Caboose. Details on these projects can be found under the PROJECTS tab.


General information about the society and a list of current board members can be found under the SOCIETY INFO tab.